Tally ERP 9.0

Introduction Tally 9.0


Tally Solutions has released a new version of its Tally 9 software. It is most popular software for accounts and inventory management. It offers different feature for maintaining accounts. Tally 9 is integrated with a lot of advanced feature like better data migrating, fast data speed, payroll management, TDS, TCS, job costing and point- of sale invoicing etc.


Tally 9, a synchronized multilingual integrated business accounting software, enables to maintain accounts in any Indian language, view it in other and print it in yet other language of their choice. Targeted at SMBs, Tally 9 offers greater reliability, scalability, accuracy and speed. It supports Unicode data which helps companies maintain data in any of the Unicode supported languages.


Tally 9 program also has features including tax compliance features for value added tax (VAT), service tax and excise for traders.



1.    Easy calculation of TDS (Tax Deducted at Source)


Using Tally 9 you can calculate TDS appropriately.


2.    Negative Stock Warning in Journal Voucher


Create a stock item with an opening balance of considerable units and pass a delivery note against it. using a Journal Voucher to record a sales transaction tracking the delivery note would display a warning message of negative stock even through a considerable amount of stock was left over. The same has been addressed appropriately in Journal voucher.


3.    Performance in Networking Environment


Tally 9 can work efficiently in a networking environment, if the Server has Windows XP and Clients have Windows 98 as the operating system, Tally performs efficiently with improved data stability.


4.    Interest calculation in Forex


A Sales transaction created using Forex currency and Interest calculation, calculates the Outstanding Forex Interest accurately.


5.    Ledger Account


Tally now prints the address of the Sundry Debtor/ Creditor ledgers, while printing a ledger account.


6.    Ratio Analysis


If the Net Profit is lesser than the Return on Investment% or Return on Working Capital, Tally displays the values with a negative sign.


7.    Maintain balances bill by bill


Altering a ledger created under Sundry Debtors or Sundry Creditors, by setting Maintain balances bill to Yes affects only the selected ledger and not the Group.


8.    Migration Tool


Users may now migrate data to Tally 9, using the Tally Data Migration Tool on Tablet PCs and Desktop computers of higher processor speed.


9.    Stock Journal


The value in the rate field of a Stock Journal (Transfer of Materials) appears appropriately.


10.     Purchase/Sales Order


The list of Party or Customer ledgers is displayed appropriately, while creating a Purchase/ Sales order respectively.


11.     Inventory Report


The Godown wise Inventory reports mow displays accurate balance values whereas multiple Godowns are maintained.


12.     VAT (Value Added Tax)


You can calculate value added tax in tally 9.


13.     FIFO Perpetual


Tally introduces a new method of inventory valuation FIFO Perpetual, which is similar to LIGO Perpetual. The Normal FIFO treats the opening balance of the financial year as the terminating rate to apply for residual stock. FIFO Perpetual takes all existing past data. Both LIFO and FIFO Perpetual are capable of changing the valuation when the company is split unlike their ‘Annual’ versions, which are consistent.


14.           Payroll


It has been integrated with accounts, in order to simplify Payroll processing.

Payroll can be configured to suit the requirements of various types of organization.


You can now configure, align and automate simple to complex payroll processes. You can print pay slips, maintain salary/ wages and attendance/leave/overtime registers, and generate Gratuity and Expat reports. You can also configure Payroll Data with cost centre reports for business analysis.


15.           POS Invoicing


POS Invoicing in Tally is equipped with ease of use and advanced capability to simplify your retail operations. It efficiently automates the ‘check – out’ process, and allows you to create invoices and collect payments from customers, in a matter of moments.


16.           Multilingual Support


Tally comes with the World’s First Concurrent Multilingual Business Accounting & Inventory Management Software for small and medium businesses. The user interface for the software is available in Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Hinglish (colloquial English) and Punjabi, and in Bahasa Melayu and Bahasa Indonesia allowing you to interact with Tally, in a language of your choice.



When you install Tally, a folder named Tally is created by default, where the program files will reside. You can specify a different folder name, if you wish.


System Requirements


To install Tally, your system must meet the following minimum requirements.




Intel Pentium IV and higher or equivalent


256 MB RAM or more

Free Hard Disk Space

40 MB Minimum (excluding the data)_

Monitor Resolution

Recommended 1024*768 or higher



Note: For better performance Tally Multilingual needs more memory (about 40MB of Free Hard Disk Space)


To install Tally in Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/XP SP2/VISTA Workstation,


1.     You need to have administrator/all rights (to create, write, update, modify and delete) on the Application. Data, Configuration and Language directory.


2.     Ensure that the Operating System you use supports Tally for Multilingual



You can install Tally using one of the given methods.


Method 1:


·        Double click install.exe form the CD.


Method 2:


·        Click START from Windows.


·        Select RUN.


·        TYPE<CD drive>:/INSTALL.


·        Press ENTER key.


Follow the instructions on your screen to install Tally.


1.     The Tally Setup Wizard is displayed.

2.     Click Next to continue


3.     The Installation wizard displays the License Agreement. Read the license agreement before you proceed. Click I Agree to continue. Click I Decline to stop setup or click Back to go to the pervious screen.

4.     In the Installation screen, you may accept the suggested directories. Else click Change Application Directory or Change data Directory or Change Configuration Directory or Change Language Directory the change the respective directory paths. Use Tab or the mouse to change the path in any of the directories.




The tally program files reside in this directory.


Data Directory


The Tally data resides in Data directory.


The default directory where data is stored is C:/Tally/Data. To change click on Change Data Directory button and enter the new directory.

When Tally is installed in a directory with an earlier version, it detects and retains the data configuration path of the previous installation.


Configuration Directory


Tally configuration files reside in this directory. Specify the path of the directory where configuration files should be saved. It is usually the same path as that of the Application directory.


Language Directory


Tally Language files (.dct) reside in this directory.


Specify the path of the directory where the Language files will be maintained. It is usually the same path as that of the Application Directory.


Note: If you are a multi-License User, select the Run Tally License Server at Windows Startup check box.


During installation, you are prompted to specify the path and the OS files to install the Indic languages.


5.     Click Install Operating System Language Support to enable Language Support.


6.     Select your Country name is Country Selection.


7.     Select the Initial Startup Language from the list. When you start Tally for the first time, Tally will appear in the language selected as the Initial Startup Language (screen).



8.     Once you select the Initial Startup Language, Click Install to proceed with the



9.     The installation progress startup is displayed as shown below.



10. Insert Windows CD to install language or Browse for the i386 folder in your



Note: You will be prompted to install the i386 language support folder only if it is not available in your system.


11. Click Finish to complete Setup.


After completing installation, double click Tally icon on the desktop to start working on Tally.




Tally comes with the World’s First Concurrent Multilingual Business Accounting & Inventory Management Software for small and medium business. The use interface for the software is available in Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Hinglish (colloquial English) and Punjabi, and in Bahasa Melayu and Bahasa Indonesia allowing you to interact with Tally, in a language of your choice.


Thus, Tally gives you tremendous freedom to maintain accounts, as well as view and print in any of the above mentioned Indian languages.

Tally enables you to enter data in one language and have it transliterated into different languages. You can generate invoices, purchase orders or delivery notes in different languages after entering data for the same in a different language.


Features of Tally Multilingual






Tally is a concurrent Multilingual software that


·        Can display Tally in any language that the user chooses from any screen in


·        Supports Translation of Pre-Defined Masters

·        Support Translation for the allowed languages.

·        Can capture data entered using the phonetic language or system language.

·        Can capture language specific Names and Aliases.

·        Can print and display Report, Vouchers and Invoices in any language.

·        Can copy text from Tally to Windows and vice versa. Use Ctrl + Alt + C to

copy and Ctrl + Alt + V to paste.


User Interface in Tally


The Tally interface displays in the language selected as Initial Startup Language, at the time of installation. For example, if you have selected Hindi as Initial Startup Language, the Tally interface displays as shown