Microsoft word page layout tab


Page Layout

The Page Layout tab in Microsoft Word contains a variety of tools that allow you to control the appearance of your document pages. Here are the tools—


·      Themes::-: A theme is a set of coordinated colors, fonts, and effects that can be applied to your document to give it a consistent look and feel. To apply a theme to your document, click the Themes button and select a theme from the Theme tab.


·      Page Setup::- The Page Setup group contains tools for setting the page orientation, size, margins, and other page-related options.

  • Margins::- to change the margins of your document, click the Margins button and enter new values in the Margins dialog box.
  • Orientation::- To change the page orientation of your document, click the Orientation button and select Portrait or Landscape.
  • page size::- To change the page size of your document, click the Size button and select a size from the gallery.
  • Column::- You can change the page format and dived the page in two side, three side, or left and right side.
  • Breaks::- You can dived the paragraph in two pages.
  • Line Number::- Continuous: This option will add line numbers to all of the pages in your document. Restart Each Page: This option will start the line numbering over at 1 on each new page. Restart Each Section: This option will start the line numbering over at 1 on each new section. Suppress for Current Section: This option will remove line numbering from the current section.
  • Hyphenation::- Automatic: This option will automatically hyphenate words as needed to fit the text within the margins. Manual: This option will allow you to manually hyphenate words as needed. No hyphenation: This option will prevent Word from hyphenating any words.


·      Page Background::- The Page Background group contains tools for adding a watermark, page color, or border to your document.

·         Watermark::- To add a watermark to your document, click the Watermark button and write your text for watermark and if you want a picture so select a watermark from the gallery.

·         Page Color::- To color your page add a page color to your document, click the Page Color button and select a color from the gallery.

·         Page Border::- To add a border to your document, click the Borders button and select a border style from the gallery.


·      Paragraph::- The Paragraph group contains tools for formatting paragraphs, such as indenting, aligning, and spacing.

·         Indent::- To indent a paragraph, click the Left Indent or Right Indent box and enter a value.

·         Spacing::- To increase or decrease the spacing between paragraphs, click the Line Spacing box and enter a value.

·      Arrange::- The Arrange group contains tools for positioning objects on your document pages.


·         Position::- This command allows you to specify how an object is positioned relative to the page or other objects.

·         Bring to Front::- This command moves the selected object to the front of all other objects on the page.

·         Send to Back::- This command moves the selected object to the back of all other objects on the page.

·         Text Wrapping::- This command allows you to specify how text wraps around an object.

·         Align::- This command allows you to align multiple objects on the page.

·         Group::- This command groups multiple objects together so that they can be treated as a single object.

·         Rotate::- This command allows you to rotate an object around its center horizontally or vertically.

मुझे उम्मीद है की MS Word Page Layout Tab के बारे में पढ़कर आपको काफी नॉलेज मिला होगा। अगर आपको ये पोस्ट पसंद आई हो तो इसे अपने फ्रेंड्स के साथ शेयर करें ताकि उन्हें भी इससे नॉलेज मिले। अगर आपका कोई सवाल है तो हमें कमेंट करके पूछ सकते है तो ऐसे ही आप हमेशा हमारे वेबसाइट पर विजिट करके और हमारी पोस्ट पढ़कर अपनी नॉलेज और स्किल्स को बेहतर कर सकते हैं। इस पोस्ट को पढने के लिए धन्यवाद !!!!!

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Have a nice day !!!!!!