Microsoft Word View Tab

The View tab in Microsoft Word provides a variety of options for viewing your document. You can use the options in this tab to change the layout of your document, show or hide elements, adjust the zoom level, and work with multiple windows.


The Document Views group contains the following options:

·         Print Layout:- Print Layout displays your document as it will appear when printed. This view is useful for checking the layout of your document and making sure that all of the text and images will fit on the page.
·         Full Screen Reading:- Full Screen Reading hides all of the toolbars and menus, so you can focus on reading your document. This view is also useful for reviewing long documents.
·         Web Layout :- Web Layout displays your document as it would appear in a web browser. This view is useful for creating web pages or documents that will be viewed online.
·         Outline displays:- Outline displays your document as an outline, with the headings and subheadings indented. This view is useful for organizing your thoughts and planning your document.
·         Draft:- Draft displays your document with a minimal amount of formatting. This view is useful for quickly typing a draft of your document.


The Show/Hide group contains the following options:

·         Gridlines:- displays a grid of lines behind your document. This can be helpful for aligning text and objects.

·         Document Map:-


The Zoom group contains the following options:

·         Zoom:- Zoom allows you to zoom in and out of your document. This can be helpful for viewing details or getting a better overview of your document.

·         200%:- Adjust the page and zoom 200% in all direction.

·         100%:- Adjust the page and zoom 100% in all direction.

·         75%:- Adjust the page and zoom 75% in all direction.

·         Page Width:- Page Width displays your document at a width that fits on the screen.

·         Whole Page:- Whole Page displays your document at its actual size.

·         Custom:- Adjust the page yourself in any percentage(%) .

·         Many Pages:- Show all pages in small size in 1 page.

·                     100%:-  Adjust the page and zoom 100% in all direction.

·                     One Page:- Automatically adjust the page 1 in page format.

·                     Two Page:- Automatically adjust the page 2 in page format.


The Window group contains the following options:

·         Split:- splits the document window into two panes, so you can view two different parts of the document at the same time.

·         View Side by Side:- View Side by Side displays two documents side by side, so you can compare them.

·         Synchronous Scrolling:- Synchronous Scrolling synchronizes the scrolling of two documents, so they scroll together.

·         Reset Window Position:-  Reset Window Position resets the position of the document window.

·         Switch Windows:- Switch Windows displays a list of open documents, so you can switch to a different document.


मुझे उम्मीद है की MS Word View Tab के बारे में पढ़कर आपको काफी नॉलेज मिला होगा। अगर आपको ये पोस्ट पसंद आई हो तो इसे अपने फ्रेंड्स के साथ शेयर करें ताकि उन्हें भी इससे नॉलेज मिले। अगर आपका कोई सवाल है तो हमें कमेंट करके पूछ सकते है तो ऐसे ही आप हमेशा हमारे वेबसाइट पर विजिट करके और हमारी पोस्ट पढ़कर अपनी नॉलेज और स्किल्स को बेहतर कर सकते हैं। इस पोस्ट को पढने के लिए धन्यवाद !!!!!

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Have a nice day !!!!!!